Installation Guide

Installing BrainSMASH requires:

BrainSMASH was developed and tested using Python 3.7. Backwards-compatibility with other Python3 versions is expected but not guaranteed. All Python package version dependencies are handled automatically if installing BrainSMASH via pip (described below).


Using nibabel versions >2.1.0 will break the code, though this incompatibility will be resolved in a future release.


In addition to the Python packages listed above, if and only if you wish to use the additional utilities provided for Connectome Workbench users, you must have Connectome Workbench installed with the wb_command executable locatable in your system PATH environment variable. For Mac users with the unzipped workbench directory (downloaded here ) located in your Applications folder, this can be achieved by simply adding export PATH="/Applications/workbench/bin_macosx64:$PATH" to your .bash_profile.


For non-login interactive shells (which does not include Terminal), you may also need to configure PATH in your .bashrc file, as described above. Alternatively, for a single session only, you may run echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/workbench/bin_macosx64' >> ~/.bashrc.


BrainSmash is most easily installed via the Python package manager pip:

pip install brainsmash

You may also clone and install the source files manually via the GitHub repository:

git clone
cd brainsmash
python install

If you’re concerned about clashing dependencies, BrainSMASH can be installed in a new conda environment:

conda create -n brainsmash python=3.7
conda activate brainsmash
pip install brainsmash