BrainSMASH (Brain Surrogate Maps with Autocorrelated Spatial Heterogeneity) is a Python-based computational platform for statistical testing of spatially autocorrelated brain maps. At the core of BrainSMASH is functionality to simulate surrogate brain maps with spatial autocorrelation that is matched to spatial autocorrelation in a target brain map. Additional utilities are provided for Connectome Workbench users who wish to analyze surface-based neuroimaging files.

Core development team

  • Joshua B. Burt, Yale University

  • John D. Murray, Yale University


  • Ross Markello, Montreal Neurological Institute


The BrainSMASH source code is available under the GNU General Public License v3.0.


If you run into a problem or identify a bug in the source code, please send the authors an email or create a new issue on GitHub.